Why to Choose Aluminum Extrusion as Heat Sink Extrusions
Heat sink extrusions are taking up an increasing share of metal market all over the world, especially this year, when the winter seems to be colder in the Northern Hemishpere than previous years. It’s said that some colleagues in southern China have taken winter holidays in advance because of unusual coldness. Generally speaking, there are two types of heat sink extrusions in the market: steel and aluminum extrusions . Although many people would like to choose steel for their, aluminum extrusions have obvious advantages over steel ones. First, they shows better heat dissipation property and are therefore more energy-saving. Less amount of aluminum heating plates are needed in the same room to reach the same heat dissipation effect. Second, aluminum heat sink extrusions prove to be more corrosion resistant than steel ones to which anti-rust additives must be added. The element of aluminum is so active that it produce a layer of oxide e...