Aluminium Slug For Cosmetic Packaging

The world has developed to such a degree that it’s normal for us to use an item without any knowledge about its production. If not reminded, you may never connect cosmetic packaging with aluminium slug. The small aluminium pieces of various shapes, after complex processing steps, turn into beautiful goods in cosmetic shops. Now check your dresser and find out how many of your little bottles or tubes are made of aluminium slug.
Many eyebrow pencil tubes were originally aluminium slugs. Despite their deceptive colors and designs, you can still check their material by tapping the tubes slightly with your fingers. Aluminium tubes give clear metal noise, while plastic ones give hollow noise. Lipsticks prove to be another big market for aluminium slugs which are processed into delicate housing tubes for lipsticks. Normally plastic housings are only applied to cheap lipsticks. More expensive lipsticks are usually housed by aluminium tubes which are of higher hardness and finer gloss. Except for these smaller tubes, aluminium slugs also function to be raw material for bottles of facial creams. Compared with glass bottles, aluminium bottles prove to be stronger and less likely to break once falling down to the floor. Plastic bottles for facial creams, although not so fragile as glass ones, cannot compete with aluminium ones in either hardness or safety.
In addition to cosmetic packaging, aluminium slugs serve to be raw material of unguent tubes, toothpaste tubes, capacitor covers, perfume bottles, beverage cans, bottle caps etc. For more information please contact



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